Prof Krentz with Student on a Bench

Course Planning

Classical Studies

Regular Offerings

CLA 111 The Ancient World (gateway course for major; Fall)

CLA 480 Senior Research Seminar (Fall)

For other courses in Classical Civilization, see , which is updated before registration each Spring for the following year.

Cross-Posted Courses

DIG 120 Programming in the Humanities

LIT 432 Theory and Practice of Literary Translation (Spring)

PHI 105 Ancient Philosophy

POL 202 Ancient Political Theory

REL 242 The Rise of Christianity

Other cross-posted courses will also appear on .

Ancient Greek & Latin

Regular Offerings (offered every year)


  • Greek 201
  • A Greek language course at the 200/300 level
  • Latin 101
  • Latin 201
  • A Latin language course at the 200/300 level


  • Greek 103 (an intensive introductory course that counts 2 course credits)
  • A Greek language course at the 200/300 level
  • Latin 102
  • A Latin language course at the 200/300 level

For the specific advanced Greek and Latin courses, see .