Mileage Reimbursement

Business travel in your personal vehicle is reimbursed using the mileage rate established by Internal Revenue Service guidelines.

You may not request reimbursement for gas charges since the mileage rate includes compensation for gas and depreciation. 

College Vehicles

While we will reimburse you for business travel in your personal vehicle, the best practice is to reserve a college vehicle if you will be traveling on business. In the case of an accident or incident, our insurance is primary if you are in a college vehicle, whereas if you are in a personal vehicle, your car insurance is primary.

Reimbursement Rate

The reimbursement rate for business travel in personal vehicles is 67.0 cents per mile, effective for travel on or after January 1, 2024.

Travel prior to January 1, 2024, will be reimbursed at a rate of 65.5 cents per mile.

Business miles should be documented using a log of miles to determine the total mileage for the trip, less the normal commute to work. Please include the calculation (miles x rate) on the payment request form, as well as the business purpose and destination for the trip.

allows donors to deduct $.14 per mile for travel, in personal vehicles, on behalf of a charitable institution. This deduction may only be taken if you do not receive reimbursement.

Commute to Work

Under IRS Reg 1.262-1(b)(5), costs of commuting to and from work are personal expenses and will not be reimbursed. When your business travel originates from home, subtract your normal commute from the total miles associated with the trip.