Three-Year Summary of Sexual Misconduct Reports


In spring 2015, 51 revised its Policy and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Abuse and Violence, and Stalking. As part of this policy revision, 51 publishes annually a three-year summary of sexual misconduct reports received by the college that fall under the college’s policy jurisdiction, including information about the outcome of complaints heard by the 51 Sexual Misconduct Board (SMB). This information is provided in addition to the college’s Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and Annual Fire Safety Report, which follows different reporting requirements. The college publishes this report to inform our community about 51’s response to reports of sexual misconduct and to promote increased awareness of sexual misconduct on our campus. To protect confidentiality, no names are included in these summaries, and three years of data are included to further ensure those students who have requested complete confidentiality are not identifiable by this report.

Reporting Summary

“Sexual misconduct” encompasses a broad range of behavior, including verbal harassment, sexual exploitation, and sexual assault (e.g., non-consensual sexual penetration and/or non-consensual sexual contact). This summary represents three years— 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24 —of sexual misconduct, relationship abuse, and violence, and/or stalking reports received by the college. During these academic years, the college received 117 reports related to alleged sexual misconduct (including verbal harassment, sexual exploitation, and sexual assault).


During the period of Fall 2021 – Spring 2024, the college received 117 reports related to possible sexual misconduct, relationship abuse, and violence, and/or stalking. All reports regarding possible sexual misconduct, relationship abuse, and violence, and/or stalking are reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator. Upon receipt of a report, the Title IX Coordinator will determine how to respond to and resolve the report. Reports are usually resolved in one of three ways: Administratively Closed, Supportive Measures, or Formal Complaint.

Administratively Closed

Of the 117 reports received, 41 were administratively closed. Reports are administratively closed when there is insufficient information, unsubstantiated information, the impacted party does not respond to communication from the Title IX Coordinator, or the person impacted does not want to move forward with any supportive measures or file a formal complaint.

Supportive Measures

Of the 117 reports filed, 73 received supportive measures. Students are not required to file a formal complaint to receive supportive measures. Supportive measures may include adjustments and preventative measures. Adjustments are changes made to a Reporting or Responding Party’s class or work schedule, academics, or housing.  Preventative measures may include resources, conversations, and agreements that assist students with working through challenges and preventing future challenges. Adjustments and preventative measures are voluntary and may be modified at any time at the request of the Reporting or Responding Party. 

Supportive measures are separate from any sanctions the Hearing Officer may impose after a formal complaint process and are not disciplinary in nature. They are facilitated by the Title IX Coordinator in consultation with the Dean of Students. 

Possible Adjustments:

  1. Alteration of class schedules
  2. Alteration of on-campus housing arrangements
  3. Removal from on-campus housing
  4. Changing work schedules or job assignments
  5. Rescheduling of exams, papers, or other assignments
  6. Taking an incomplete in a class
  7. Authorized withdrawal from a class
  8. Alternative course completion options
  9. Voluntary leave of absence
  10. Access to counseling services
  11. Providing an escort to ensure safe movement between classes and activities
  12. Providing academic support services
  13. Any other remedy that can be tailored to the involved individuals to achieve the goals of this Policy

Possible Preventative Measures:

  1. Conflict Coaching
  2. No Communication Order
  3. Shared Expectations Agreement
  4. Educational Discussion
  5. Training

Formal Complaints

Of the 117 reports received, 3 formal complaints were filed.  Of the 3 formal complaints filed, 3 were heard by the Hearing Officer. 

The filing of a formal complaint initiates the college’s internal complaint process. Following an investigation into the allegations stated in the complaint, the college’s Hearing Officer used a clear and convincing evidence standard to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to find that a policy violation occurred and imposes sanctions for policy violations as appropriate. 

The chart below details the outcomes of the 3 formal complaints heard by the Hearing Officer, as well as the alternative resolutions.