Staff Parental Leave


Staff Parental Leave provides paid time off for 51¹ÙÍø staff employees who temporarily take leave from their duties following the birth or adoption of a child. This policy also extends to Visiting and Adjunct Faculty not covered under the Faculty Parental Leave policy in the Faculty Handbook.


A staff employee who becomes either a birth or adoptive parent is eligible for this benefit if he or she is full-time (scheduled for at least 2080 hours per year) and has at least 12 months of continuous full-time service with 51¹ÙÍø prior to the beginning of parental leave in a regular, benefited position.

Staff Parental Leave Benefits

Except as otherwise provided below, the College will provide eight (8) consecutive weeks of paid parental leave at 100% of regular salary to each eligible employee who is a parent and who temporarily takes leave from the duties of his/her position following the birth or adoption of his or her child. The pay the employee receives will correspond to the employee's normal rate of pay for the period of the leave, not including any overtime or other supplemental pay, and will be subject to all standard withholdings and authorized deductions.

This parental leave will be taken as one consecutive period of leave in the six months following the birth of a child or adoption of a child or with the start of Family Medical Leave if that begins before the birth or arrival of the child. Paid Parental Leave must be used before any other paid leave and cannot be used to extend a leave that has already included Family Medical Leave and a voluntary unpaid leave (furlough). 

In the case of adoption, an eligible employee may take parental leave before the actual adoption where the employee needs to be away from his/her position for the adoption to proceed (e.g., travel to another country to complete the adoption).

For birth mothers who are eligible for short-term disability benefits under the medical plan, the Staff Parental Leave Policy will run concurrently with the maternity disability leave and associated short-term disability benefits, and will compensate the employee the difference between short-term disability pay and the employee's regular salary.


The benefits of paid parental leave are the same for a single birth and for multiple births (e.g. twins, triplets); for the adoption of one child or multiple children through a single adoption proceeding.

Interplay Between Staff Parental Leave and Other Available Leaves

The Staff Parental Leave benefit runs concurrently with and is coordinated with all available statutory paid and unpaid family leave benefits, consistent with applicable law. This leave runs concurrently with and will not extend any unpaid leave available under the college's FMLA policy. Nothing in this policy precludes the eligible employee from taking any remaining available FMLA leave following the expiration of the college's paid parental leave, in accordance with the college's FMLA policy.

Requesting Parental Leave

The employee must complete a (PDF). The form should be completed and uploaded under Add Absence in Oracle as much in advance of the intended absence as possible (at least 60 days in advance, except in extenuating circumstances), and the employee must specify an expected return to work date on the form. Human Resources will approve staff requests for Staff Parental Leave via email copied to the employee's supervisor.

Time and Proof Requirements

The employee must provide documentation to Human Resources within 30 days of the birth or adoption (this is also the time within which the employee must provide information to add the child to the college's insurance coverage). Documentation most commonly consists of a birth certificate or appropriate court documents.


The employee's benefits will continue during the parental leave. The employee will continue to be responsible for his or her portion of premium payments. The College's contribution to the retirement plan will be based on the amount of regular wages, accrued sick, or accrued vacation actually paid, and is not calculated based on disability insurance income or paid family leave benefits. Employees will not accrue vacation time or accumulate sick leave benefits for the duration of the Paid Parental Leave and any accompanying FMLA leave and/or STD-qualifying period.

Return to Work

Employees are required to return to work upon the completion of their leave. Failure to return at the conclusion of an approved parental leave or the end of the FMLA or STD-qualifying period will be considered a voluntary resignation.

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to Human Resources at 704-894-2213.