CIS Advisers

CIS Faculty Advisors

Faculty advisors play a critical role in the experience of CIS majors. Students seeking to complete a year-long thesis must have a main faculty advisor and a secondary advisor/committee member their senior year. Students seeking to complete a one-semester capstone are required to have one faculty advisor but could include more advisors as necessary. It is customary for faculty in student-designed majors to take no more than two CIS majors at a time.

During the fall of sophomore year, faculty work with students to determine if a CIS major is a good fit and, if so, to prepare a suitable and rigorous curriculum for their CIS proposal. If a faculty member agrees to serve as advisor, the student can initiate an application form. The application will come to the CIS Director as well as faculty advisors for approval. In the case of student-designed majors, the application will be reviewed by the CIS Advisory Board as well. During the junior year, faculty advisors will mentor students on preparing for their senior capstone or thesis. During senior year, faculty advisors meet frequently with students to provide feedback on capstone or thesis projects.