Policy for Animal Care and Use

It is the policy of 51¹ÙÍø that animals used in research and teaching will receive humane treatment and care at all times.

All experiments involving live, vertebrate animals must be performed by or under the supervision of a qualified scientist. Experimentation will be conducted in a manner that avoids all unnecessary suffering and injury to the animals. The Principle Investigator must be prepared to terminate the experiment when continuation may result in unnecessary injury or suffering to the animals. No experimentation or breeding of vertebrate animals will be conducted without an approved Animal Care and Use Protocol.

Procedures involving animals should be designed and performed with due consideration of their relevance to human or animal health, the advancement of biological knowledge, or the good of society. The animals selected for a procedure should be an appropriate model and the minimum number required to obtain scientifically valid results. Alternatives, such as, statistical analysis, mathematical models, or in vitro biological systems, will be used when appropriate to replace animal use or reduce the number of animals used.

Procedures with animals that may cause pain or distress should be preformed with appropriate sedation, analgesia, or anesthesia. Surgery and painful procedures shall not be performed on unanesthetized animals paralyzed by chemical agents. Animals that would otherwise suffer severe or chronic pain or distress that cannot be relieved should be painlessly euthanized as soon as possible unless approved by IACUC protocol.

The living conditions of animals kept for teaching or research should contribute to their health and comfort. Animal husbandry, disease control, appropriate use of anesthesia, administration of medication and euthanasia will be conducted as recommended by the Institutional Veterinarian. Animal care programs throughout the Institution will be supervised by the Institutional Veterinarian as the representative of the administration.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee will monitor care and use of vertebrate animals at 51¹ÙÍø and in off-campus programs. The committee will regularly evaluate animal husbandry, facility and laboratory suitability, research procedures, and teaching practices where animals are involved. Requirements published in The Guide for the Care and Use of Animals by the National Institutes of Health are standards for animal care and will be used, with USDA regulations, by the committee in the evaluation. In addition, the committee, will review proposals and protocols for all teaching and research projects intending to use live vertebrate animals. Proposals and protocols will describe, in detail, methods to be used for animal care and assurance of humane treatment during experimentation. Committee approval is essential prior to initiation of the investigation or demonstration.

In summary, it is the responsibility of the principle investigator conducting animal studies, the veterinarian providing animal care supervision, and the committee monitoring the program to assure humane treatment of animals. Assurance is required by the public and by the granting agencies that animals will be used responsibly and with every consideration given for elimination of distress and discomfort. The institution is committed to providing such responsible use and considerate care for animal subjects used for teaching and research.