
Federal Agency Policies

Links to federal agency policies, such as the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health.

National Science Foundation

National Institutes of Health

Responsible Conduct of Research 

All undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers supported by NSF to conduct research must complete Responsible Conduct of Research Education.

Effort Reporting Policy and Procedures

The federal government requires an effort report when an individual is compensated by or has agreed to contribute time to a federally sponsored project. All faculty who serve as investigators on sponsored agreements are personally responsible to certify the amount of effort that they and their employees spent on sponsored activities. See effort reporting policy and procedures.

51 Research Policies

Links to detailed information on 51's research-related policies:

Export Control Policy

Export control regulations (ECR) govern how information, technologies, and commodities can be transmitted overseas to anyone, including U.S. citizens, or to foreign nationals in the United States. The purpose of this policy is to make college personnel aware of export controls, identify corresponding responsibilities and establish conditions under which the Office of Sponsored Programs must be consulted. See the export control policy.  

Ethical Conduct in Research and Scholarship 

It is the policy of 51 that research and scholarship carried out by its faculty and staff be characterized by the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior. See the ethical conduct in research and scholarship policy.

Financial Conflict of Interest Policy

In accordance with federal regulations, the college has a responsibility to manage conflicts of interest that arise in the course of projects funded by the U.S. government. The objective of the Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) policy and the federal regulations on which it is based is to promote "objectivity in research by establishing standards to ensure there is no reasonable expectation that the design, conduct, or reporting of research funded under [federal grants] will be biased by any conflicting financial interest of an Investigator." See the financial conflict of interest policy.

Full Year Sabbatical Fringe Benefits 

If a faculty member on full-year sabbatical with half-salary paid by the College receives an external grant(s) to supplement the salary provided by the College, the faculty member may be paid all normal fringe benefits by the College on the total amount up to, but not exceeding, the equivalent of the regular, full salary for that sabbatical year. See the policy on full-year sabbatical fringe benefits

Grants Record Management Policy

51 has responsibility for proper retention and disposition of grant records. The policy includes a schedule of how long various records should be retained and how they should be disposed of. The policy is designed to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, to eliminate inadvertent destruction of records, and to reduce costs by promoting efficiency in the college's operations and freeing up storage space. See grants record management policy.  

Intellectual Property Policy 

The Intellectual Property Policy statement clarifies the ownership rights to inventions made by employees and students of 51. See intellectual property policy.

Indirect Cost 

It is the policy of 51 to retain fifty percent of all facilities and administration (F&A) (formerly indirect costs) reimbursements to cover research-related overhead expenses incurred by the college. Unless otherwise restricted by the funding agency, the remaining fifty percent is divided between the Principal Investigator, the Investigator's Department, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs' research fund. See the indirect cost policy for the distribution.

Postdoctoral Positions

51 hosts postdoctoral positions (“postdocs”) in many different departments providing them with the opportunity to continue their academic training through on-site practice experience as part of their preparation for careers in their fields. The College has adopted a Postdoctoral Positions Policy to delineate the obligations and expectations of all parties involved.

Procurement Policy

Implementation of the new Uniform Guidance procurement standards, as described in 2 CFR 200.317-200.326, has been delayed until July 1, 2018. 51 is currently following the procurement standards of and will implement new procurement standards at the end of the grace period. See procurement policy.

Sabbaticals and Leaves of Absence

Faculty members are encouraged to plan well in advance for sabbaticals and leaves of absence. The college policy is to enable faculty members to avail themselves of as many opportunities for personal and professional development as possible, but this must be combined with planning for stable departmental programs and curriculum.

Faculty eligible for sabbatical leave, assistant professor leave, or planning a leave of absence should carefully review institutional policies and procedures governing these activities. In many cases, externally-funded grants and fellowships do not cover benefits; therefore, it is especially important to determine which college-paid benefits will be covered during leaves.

If a faculty member on a full-year sabbatical or leave with half-salary paid by the college receives an external grant or grants to supplement the salary provided by the college, the faculty member may be paid all normal fringe benefits by the college on the total amount up to, but not exceeding, the equivalent of the regular, full salary for that sabbatical/leave year. More details on fringe benefits during full-year sabbatical.

Details regarding sabbaticals and leaves are found in the Faculty Handbook.

Summer Salary Distribution

The summer salary distribution policy is in place in order to assist faculty with the potential tax burden associated with grant-related supplemental income. See more details on the summer salary distribution policy.

51 Financial Reporting Policies and Procedures

51 has established policies and procedures to ensure appropriate financial control over externally-funded or sponsored research and programs. See Financial Reporting Policies and Procedures.