Documents and Forms

Documents and forms for research involving human subjects.

Initial Assessment

To assist you in determining whether your human subjects research requires review by the IRB:

Does My Research Project Require an IRB Application?

Decision Trees

Exemption Category Decision Trees

Documents to assist you in determining which exemption category best fits your research.  Download PDF documents.

Exemption Category 1: Educational Setting

Exemption Category 2: Surveys, Tests, Observations

Exemption Category 3: Benign Behavioral Interventions

Exemption Category 4: Secondary Use of Identifiable Data or Specimens


Application Forms

 - Initial application for approval of research, both for exempt and non-exempt projects.

 - Form for making substantive changes to previously approved protocol.

Application Support Forms

Faculty Sponsor Assurance Form

This form is now included as part of the electronic exempt/non-exempt application and modification forms.  The faculty member will receive an email from Submittable indicating that a protocol has been submitted and requesting their approval and training certification document.

Consent Form Templates

Templates to use as a guide when you are preparing consent forms.

Debriefing Forms

Templates to use as a guide when you need a debriefing form.

Reporting of Adverse or Unanticipated Event Form

Form for reporting an adverse or unanticipated event. Download Reporting of Adverse or Unanticipated Event Form (DOC).