
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the Advisory Council on Finance, Personnel, and Development review the college budget each spring and then consider potential revenues and expenses for the following fiscal year.

These groups recommend a budget to the President (generally in February/March) and the budget is presented to the Trustees in April for their review and approval.

View Your Departmental Budget

Operating and/or Compensation

Departmental budgets are comprised of two components; the Operating Budget and the Compensation Budget.

The Compensation budget includes the salary and related benefits of permanent positions, paid with unrestricted college funds, and is created based on HR position records. Positions paid by restricted funds are not part of the college-wide compensation budget. The Operating Budget includes all other departmental expenses, including compensation that is not part of the compensation budget (i.e., temp/student employees) and is created by the Department and submitted for entry into Oracle.

Budget Reports will be available in Oracle on the 51¹ÙÍø Reports tab.  

Departmental Operating Budget Spreadsheet Information

The Operating budget includes all expenses except the salary & benefits of permanent positions which are budgeted for as part of the Compensation Budget.

Budget Worksheet Overview

Each budget spreadsheet feeds into a Divisional Summary spreadsheet that accumulates the total budget for the Division. Please complete only the shaded areas ("Proposed Budget") of your departmental worksheet and do not make any other changes (i.e. eliminating rows/columns, adding rows/columns, etc.). If you do need to have a change made to your budget worksheet, please contact the Assistant or Associate Controller so that we can make this change for you.

Preparation of Departmental Budget Worksheet

Update the amounts in the Proposed Budget column to reflect your departmental budget for the upcoming year. The spreadsheet is set up so that the proposed budget is equal to your prior year budget, adjusted (when applicable) for any budget reductions, approved increases and/or one-time items from the prior year, provided we were given the account number(s) to adjust.

  • If we did not know the specific account to adjust, but we knew which department to add the adjustment to, you will see a line that includes the change to your budget. This amount must be allocated to individual budget line items prior to submission.
  • If we did not know either the specific account or department to add a budget adjustment to, it was included only on the Divisional Summary. Your budget manager will be able to confirm any adjustments that affect your budget.

You many reallocate budget amounts between line items or add new budget lines or zero out budget lines no longer needed (put $0 in the proposed budget column; do not delete the row), but your total budget must not change, unless you have approval from your vice president.

Compensation Items Included in the Operating Budget

As noted above, the Compensation Budget includes the salary & benefits of permanent positions. Any other compensation payments such as temporary positions or student employees are considered operating expenses and must be included in the operating budget, if applicable. (This does not apply to Auxiliary Budgets as those departments are required to budget for both compensation and operating expenses.)


Once your budget is complete, notify your vice president or supervisor who will review the division as a whole and then notify us when division-wide spreadsheets are complete.