Inclement Weather

Communicating College Delay or Closing Due to Inclement Weather

Any announcement to close the college or to delay the hour of opening will come from the President and will be communicated to the Senior Leadership Team. This message will be relayed to the college community through postings on the website homepage, 51 One, an email to employees and students, a recording on an employee information line at 704-894-4111 (extension 4111 from on-campus), and via the college’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Stories and social media channels.

Any change in the regular college schedule will also be broadcast on the following stations:

  • WSOC (ABC)
  • WCNC (NBC)
  • WBTV (CBS)

All campus-wide updates also will be posted to the 51 Alerts webpage. Announcements of delay or closing will be posted by 6 a.m., whenever possible. Essential employees may receive additional communication directly from their supervisors.

When the College is Open

Adverse weather sometimes causes hazardous conditions for travel to and from work for some employees. Employees should use their own judgment regarding how weather conditions will affect their ability to travel safely to work. Work time missed due to adverse weather conditions may be:

  1. Made up as time worked within a reasonable period of time,
  2. Coded as vacation,
  3. Taken as leave without pay, or
  4. Handled under a combination of any of the above.

Realizing that the college must continue its responsibility to support students during inclement weather, it is absolutely necessary that employees of the Physical Plant staff, Dining Services, Public Safety, and others as required make every effort, consistent with safety, to report to work. Special attendance rules apply in certain departments, so employees must contact the department head or supervisor for further instructions as soon as possible if conditions are such that traveling to work is unsafe.

When the College Closes

Should it become necessary to close the college because of weather conditions, all non-essential employees normally scheduled to work will receive their regular pay. Hourly (non-exempt) employees who are required to work to maintain the health and safety of the campus or to provide essential support to students during a storm emergency when the college is officially closed will receive one and one half time (1 1⁄2) pay for hours worked during the closing even if the hours worked for that week are less than 40. This type of pay is only available for hours worked while, due to a storm emergency, the college is officially closed.

Payroll Process Notes

  • If an employee is considered essential (per the department/supervisors discretion) and comes to work on the day the college has deemed “closed-inclement weather” the employee will be paid the time and a half rate for the day(s) the college is closed. Use the Required to Work Code (FEH).
  • If an employee is considered essential and they did not come to work on inclement weather day they do not get the time and a half pay or the inclement weather pay (which is college paid at their regular rate); they will have to use vacation (no sick).
  • If an employee came to work on an inclement weather day and they were not essential they will be paid at their regular rate. (REG)
  • If an employee is not considered essential please use the inclement weather pay code (INC) for the days the college is closed.

If there are other situations that do not fall into a particular group or questions regarding this policy please contact Human Resources at 704-894-2213.