Paycheck Deductions
Mandatory deductions made from the employee wages include federal and state income tax, Social Security and Medicare, and garnishments (child support or tax levies).
If you are leaving employment, all voluntary and required deductions will be withheld from your final paycheck. You must pay all outstanding charges and billings in full.
College benefit deductions are administered by Human Resources. Other deductions are administered by the Controller's Office.
You should complete a new tax withholding form at the Controller's Office upon:
- Change in number of exemptions
- Reaching age 65 (if an additional exemption is desired)
- Change in marital status
- Failure to qualify for claiming tax-exempt status (W-4E or NC-4E) under federal and/or state regulations (you must re-file each year)
Learn (login required) and submit a paper form NC-4 to the Payroll Office.